Case: Online Simultaneous Interpreting for a company in the Forbes Ranking (100) 

July 8, 2024

Client’s main areas of expertise: Technology & Services 

Client’s country of operations: Global corporation

Zaum scored another success case in an online event with simultaneous interpreting for an integration meeting between teams of different countries of a major multinational corporation.

  • Scenario and challenges faced:

A few months after the outbreak of the pandemic, in 2020, this client (whose name will be kept confidential) needed to carry on with a major event featuring many participants from the client itself and from other educational institutions worldwide. The event would feature several lectures, some of which scheduled for the same date and time, requiring different rooms. 

To organize an event of this magnitude in an online setting, it was crucial to ensure proper technological infrastructure, compatibility with the client’s IT environment, reliable Internet connection from participants (especially speakers and interpreters), and flawless alignment with project management in terms of scope, deadline, cost and client expectations. 

  • Analysis and Solution of Zaum Langs:

Zaum’s technical and development teams identified that the tool that was going to be used by the client was not ideal to ensure all of the features required for the event, since it didn’t support simultaneous interpreting. 

One of the first steps was to carry out a technical analysis of the requirements and propose a solution that could fully meet all demands while also ensuring data security and reliability. 

One of the platforms that Zaum had already been using with other clients to host Webinars and meetings with professional simultaneous translation was chosen to lead this specific event, since it supported simultaneous interpreting in more than one language at the same time, and also supported all of the customizations our team required. 

Choosing the right tool was an important step, but it was followed by a thorough coordination between the client’s teams and Zaum’s internal staff, relying on trained interpreters qualified for the subject-matter and languages, as well as the project managers who coordinated the entire process. 

Project managers helped the client set up the rooms and different audio channels, conducting preliminary tests with organizers and interpreters. 

There were more than 20 hours of content over a two-day period in an online event featuring teachers, students, mentors, educational coordinators, directors and also partners of the industry.

  1. Results and client feedback:

A total of five countries participated in the event: Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Mexico (learn more about Zaum’s expertise in Spanish) – gathering more than one thousand people among simultaneous session rooms.  

The client’s feedback was extremely positive, not only for the quality of interpreting services, but for the entire support our team provided to coordinate multiple event rooms and language channels.


The client continued to rely on our expertise and support in subsequent projects. 

Online events will continue even after the pandemic ends, coexisting and/or mixed in with on-site events

We realized that the event industry was one of the most impacted by the novel coronavirus. The impossibility of hosting face-to-face events impacted not only the companies that organize them, but also the different businesses that rely on these events as a crucial point of their commercial and marketing strategies. 

On-site events, such as conferences and congresses, are important actions for many institutions, whether for their own internal audience (employees and partners) or the external audience (clients and stakeholders).

With no chance of physically interacting with their audiences, companies had to seek out alternative solutions. Several companies chose to host online events in order to maintain this relationship. That is why online event platforms have been constantly evolving to come as close as possible to the experience of a face-to-face event

Main advantages of online events

One of the main advantages of online events is that there are considerably broader possibilities in terms of guest participants. By eliminating the need to physically attend the event, ultimately avoiding travel, accommodation and other expenses, many names that would otherwise be impossible in these conditions are suddenly a possibility.

Without territorial barriers, the same person can attend a meeting held by a Brazilian institution, an online congress in the U.S. and a meeting in Japan, all in the same day. That is where online events with simultaneous interpreting become crucial to ensure participants of different countries and languages actually absorb all of the content.

With more than ten years of experience, Zaum has all of the expertise needed to make online events accessible to more people through simultaneous interpreting and other translation services into several languages.

After the onset of the pandemic, the number of online events with simultaneous interpreting skyrocketed and has remained high since then. To meet this upsurge in demand, Zaum invested in tools and qualification of its team to assist our clients across all stages, from room planning, preliminary tests, support before and during the event and, of course, offering interpreting services themselves. 

Talk to one of our experts to help set up your online event with simultaneous interpreting

[Let’s talk]


Read more: 

Learn more: International Experiences in Online Events

Learn more: 6 Tips for Hiring a Translation and Interpretation Company for Portuguese


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