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Tradução Audiovisual

Tradução Audiovisual Uncategorized July 8, 2024 DESKTOP PUBLISHING: OPTIMIZING TRANSLATION QUALITY

CONCEPT Desktop Publishing is a graphic production area that uses digital and computer resources. Creation software (Corel Draw, Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word and Quark) are used to edit and produce visual materials such as flyers, folders, magazines, newspapers, etc., representing a process commonly known as typesetting. This activity can be complex, because it entails …

Tradução Audiovisual Uncategorized July 8, 2024 SUBTITLING AND TRANSLATION

The option to select or search for subtitles is so common when we watch a movie, a series or even informational material in another language that we rarely stop to think about how those friendly little letters ended up on our screen. Translation for subtitling is part of the audiovisual translation industry and today, although …