Case Study

Drummond Advisors

Main areas of operation
Accounting, Tax, Legal and Consulting

Client’s country of operations
United States and Brazil

Online Simultaneous Interpreting.

Maintaining the personal connection

Webinars have become one of the most commonly used formats for attracting, converting and maintaining effective business relationships. Many physical and in-person interactions have been replaced with virtual alternatives and with this change has come an increasing need to provide an alternative sense of personalization.

Drummond Advisors are one of our long-standing customers and are very active in both the USA and Brazil. The company fully appreciates the need for cost effective and well-targeted marketing and the benefits of personalized messaging. Drummond worked closely with Zaum Langs to develop smart webinar solutions that reach audiences with accurate and well-targeted messages that drive their business.

The value of simultaneous interpreting

Research indicates that in excess of 40% of prospective buyers and business partners will not make a purchase unless communications are in their native language. Simultaneous interpretation helps companies leverage their knowledge and marketing investment while also providing a real sense of personal connection.

Drummond conducts many events and webinars throughout the year and these are used to present a blend of current and carefully selected legacy content in the form of virtual roundtables. Subject matter experts from around the world are invited to contribute to these discussions and by providing a simultaneous interpretation service there are no language constraints.

Zaum provides well-briefed interpreters who connect with all speakers beforehand to align on language, tone and terminology and thus ensure optimization of the information being communicated.

Key Points

  • Simultaneous interpreting is an excellent solution for personalized interactions that has many applications, including workshops, product launches, customer and investor events, training, and onboarding

  • Selection and detailed briefing of the interpreter is critical to ensure they are fully conversant with industry terminology and company-specific phrasing.

  • Ensure that all speakers are introduce to the relevant interpreter well in advance of the event

  • Glossary development for key terms and expressions ensures fluidity and efficacy of communication

  • Webinar platforms need to be selected with simultaneous interpreting in mind

  • Professional guidance is always available from your translation partner

“With the introduction of simultaneous translation, we were able to expand the reach of our webinars and provide the audience with an even more personalized experience. We appreciate all of Zaum’s support and partnership throughout this process. Combining the experience of both companies, we are able to provide quality information on topics such as internationalization, immigration and compliance to more and more people interested in these matters”

Aline Ribeiro
Communications Consultant at Drummond Advisors

Don’t just take our word for it.

We are proud partners of many of the world’s leading brand owners and have solutions and services that we tailor to businesses of all sizes, from startups to multinationals.

“Zaum is a fantastic partner for localized content. They are always on top of deadlines, delivering high-quality translations at an affordable price.”

“Highly professional people & services and above all very friendly. They can make your day. Our best recommendations to Zaum Langs. We would hire them again.”

“‘Fast service, understands our demands like no other, and they step up to jump the hurdles and meet the urgent challenges.’; ‘Always excellent in deliveries!’”