Internationalization of IT companies: the importance of adapting the language

July 8, 2024

Adapting the translation to each culture is key to the success of these initiatives


Many companies are born with a clear definition of who their target audience is, and even the countries where they will operate or to which they will try to sell their products and services. Some seek to operate on a global market from the outset (Born Global), or at least in more than one country. Others choose a local path, turning first towards the domestic market to solidify their positioning before pursuing new opportunities abroad.


Whichever path the company chooses, once the internationalization becomes a concrete goal, the processes to be followed are practically the same. Amid all the bureaucracy that these companies invariably have to deal with, some factors may end up being overlooked. It’s not enough to just formally enter a new consumer market, you need to completely adapt your company and your product/service offerings to this new reality. From establishing a new base of operations with local staff, to the translation and the full localization of all software and institutional material, adapting them to each country’s culture and market – and this is a crucial step!


The nuances of the IT market


In 2016, Brazil’s IT industry was ranked 7th in the world. In addition to being many, the companies in this market operate on multiple fronts to support different types of industries, thus offering a wide variety of solutions and support software.


Some are geared entirely at selling software as a solution, while in others software is only one of the business lines. Many seek to solve their customers’ problems – be they of a financial, management, storage, communication or integration nature – by providing, developing and/or implementing customized software; and/or complex systems that integrate with their customers’ existing systems.


Regardless of whether the program was custom made for a customer or if it’s a product ready to be implemented, its goal is to serve specific purposes such as integration, monetization, digital marketing empowerment, management, problem solving, etc. Despite all these variables, two steps must be followed by any company interested in internationalizing its brand and its products: formalizing the process and fully adapting to this new market and target audience.


The steps to internationalization


Once the new market has been defined, the next step is to enable the company to operate in this new location. Software localization, as well as translation of all the institutional material, are some of the steps that usually end up being neglected, often because companies do not understand the importance of good institutional material, directed specifically to consumers within that market. The idea that a simple translation of materials, websites and software is enough for the company to solidly establish itself in a new market is a mistake, even with highly configurable systems.


Companies have to remember that it’s not just a new market, but also a new consumer, from a different country, culturally and socially different from its native public. Communicating well, fluently and accurately are great advantages to have when facing the market challenges; and it all depends on quality translation, which considers all the cultural and social nuances, as well as market subtleties.


ZAUM is a company that specializes in meeting the translation needs of IT companies, with many sucessful cases* – including some in extremely challenging situations – that have helped build our diversified experience. We offer a wide range of services for your company during internationalization or when exporting products. From the translation of institutional material – leaflets, brochures, folders, websites, manuals, videos (subtitling or voice-over), online and offline advertising, through localization (adapted translation) of all software offered.


We can also assist you in continuing translations and localizations that have already been started.


Talk to us! We can help you achieve your goals and conquer international markets.



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