Making yourself understood seems simple: you use the right linguistic code to express your ideas, and the receiver, who shares this same code, interprets and understands the message. Right? Well, if we think that communication noise can occur between people who share the same code, the same culture and who are part of the same …
Adapting the translation to each culture is key to the success of these initiatives Many companies are born with a clear definition of who their target audience is, and even the countries where they will operate or to which they will try to sell their products and services. Some seek to operate on a …
When translating your company’s material, especially when dealing with something that carries the culture or some very particular distinctive aspect, appropriate terminology management and consistent translation of glossaries are crucial, because these have to carry more than apparent message or content. Have you analyzed whether the translation is positioning your brand in a unique way …
We can define CAT Tools (Computer-Assisted/Computer-Aided Translation Tools) essentially as computer programs for translation, in which the most popular feature is the ability to store a translation memory, which includes previously translated passages and sentences. For this reason, such programs are also known as translation memory tools, but they also encompass a series of other …
Expert translators must be fluent in at least two languages: the document’s source language and the language into which the document must be translated. These skills are essential in order to avoid grammar mistakes, inaccuracies and loss of meaning during the translation process. However, in addition to being fluent in a given language pair, the …
Due to globalization and the importance of international communication flows in today’s world, companies are increasingly likely to need translation services for their operations. And while there are many options available in the market, not all of them are reliable. So, how can you make sure that you are making a good investment? Currently, the …
The implementation of new technologies in corporations is no longer a futuristic daydream and has now become a matter of survival and expansion. Every day new tools are developed in different sectors to make the lives of users or clients easier. And there is no reason why this would be any different in the …
One of the hallmarks in the mindset of the Silicon Valley and across the entire universe of innovation is to think globally. In other words, the products and solutions of innovative companies target the global market, transcending geographical borders. This trend has created a challenge for translation companies to overcome. On the one hand, we …